Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mark 1 & 2 (pt1)

The first couple chapters of the Gospel of Mark contain dramatic examples of belief and trust. In 1:16-18 Jesus spots Simon (Peter) and Andrew and simply encourages them to join Him. They immediately give up their entire lives. In 1:19-20 He spots John and James and calls them as well. They also give up their entire lives with what seems like little thought given to it. It`s like the idea of not doing it was ridiculous! In 2:14 Jesus spots Matthew and (a tax collector and sinner) and calls him; immediately Matthew gave up riches and social status to follow Him. What are we willing to give up?

These men forsook everything for Jesus. It didn't even appear as if they even took the time to count the cost, the decision was immediate. The material things they possessed were not as appealing as a life dedicated to Jesus. Why are we so reluctant to do the same? We make excuse after excuse to justify our complacency, while millions of people are secretly crying out for........love, acceptance, forgiveness, and many other things that can only truly be found in Christ. Jesus has given us the answer to these questions, and yet, here we sit, asking Jesus more questions. It's not so hard.

Simon, Andrew, John, James, and Matthew all had questions, but when Jesus spoke to them they know they had heard the answer. All the poeple we are in contact with everyday have questions, yet why don't we realize (or care) that their answer is lying (often dormant) within us. We need to grow up. We need to step out. We need to believe. We need to "get up and follow Him" (2:14).