Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Lake Luzerne, NY

Indeed. Jenny & I landed in Lake Luzerne friday night. Everyday, I amazingly wonder at God's unconditional gracious love for every single human being. Why did we turn this world into what it is? God has done so much for us, and we wasted it; to such an extent that many completely disbelieve in Him. It's sad. More can be said in one action than a thousand words. Yet, the church is full of empty words. The world is waiting for the action.

Jenny & I are expecting much from God this summer, but not enough. We never think big enough. The opportunity set before us is grand. We want this summer to be completely life-changing.

Double H Ranch was founded by Paul Newman in the early 90's (don't quote me on that). It is a summer camp for chronically ill children. 120 or so children are on their way, and over 60 staff. This camp is anything but Christian, and thats the way Jenny & I prefer it. My favorite figure in Church history, Francis of Assisi, said, "Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words." That is our mandate for the summer. To live a life that challenges people out of their spiritual comfort zones. It may be a daunting task. The people we have met here are mostly in schools or universities nearby. They have loads of knowledge and plenty of compassion. They are all (so far) amazing people.

Coming from a Bible College where the students were anything but eager to demonstate their beliefs, I am almost embarrassed at the state of most of Christendom. It's a joke. We should be leading the pack, but we are mocked, ridiculed, and laughed at instead. I don't blame them. It's time to change all that. But, we have to do something about it. Actually, all we have to do is SOMETHING, ANYTHING!! Just get out and go!

We request prayer from anyone who reads this. We want people to see Jesus in us. We want to steward this opportunity in the most loving way possible. We want to do ALL THINGS FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOSPEL.