Monday, November 27, 2006

WIBI or HoGi?

Things are well. We are so blessed here in the west that we don't even realize a fraction of it. It's crazy. So much we take for granted.

I've really been challenged lately, since I met a fellow HoGi here in the Niagara region. I asked myself a question: Am I a HoGi (Holy Given) or a WIBI (World Impact Bible Institute) ?

To me (and that is the key thing), a WIBI and a HoGi are immensely different. I don't want to really share how I think they are different because I don't want people to misinterpret what I mean. I'm not saying one is right/better, the other wrong/worse. But there are stark differences, to say the least.

When you get in a certain environment, you start to take on certain characteristics and mindsets consistent with that specific environment. You become what you learn. If you learn how to do the same thing in different ways, then you go with the one which suits you, who you are, inside, in your Spirit.

With that, I can defintely say that I am indeed a HoGi, through and through, and not a WIBI. I believe a laid down life (where your possessions and 'stuff' are really a hindrance and offer nothing that is really important, in the grande scheme of things) is more applicable to how I think and feel, and what God is molding me into. I like bizarre Spiritual manifestations, prophecy (no matter how wild or innacurate it may be before we learn to hear God better), a life lived in the dirt with the poor, persecution, taking up my cross daily, dying daily to self, worshipping on God's schedule not ours, giving up our lives because God gave up His life for us. "Lower and slower". "All fruitfulness flows from intimacy". "Love the one in front of you". Etc etc.

I've learned more on the foreign mission field in one week than I've learned in western christianity in 5 years!

The self denying mindset, which may have been stifled a bit of late, has roared back to life. It's hungry.

.........................Is it time to graduate yet?

*On a sidenote: it is 17 degrees in St Catharines today; craziness!! And on sunday I went to Westview Christian Fellowship instead of NCC. It was pretty sweet. I plan on going back, fo sho.