Thursday, November 30, 2006

......to the point of shedding blood.......

I was just sittin around at home last night and I came across a sermon by Rolland Baker at www.fathersglory.com and it is one of the most amazing things I've ever heard. My whole focus here has shifted and I see what has inspired me so much the last few years. Words cant describe it, cause it is the heart of what Christianity is, not what the church has made it. I wept over and over during and after it; repenting to God about how I had forgotten what I hold most dear in this life. About the thing which gives my life purpose and drive. (As always, dont take me too much out of context. I love my family and friends, etc). Last night I was literally touched by the fire of God, and it's not the awesome, 'cool' thing that a lot of christians think it is. It hurts, it breaks you, it forces you to do what Jesus would do. It burns away your flesh until you die, but it's good; there is a way no other. Watch this if you dare; it's quite a dangerous word.