Monday, January 16, 2006

Proverbs 16:26

2006 has certainly started off with a bang. I can't recall a time in my life when I've been consumed with so much..............stuff, or something. God has been teaching me these last 4 or 5 months on just what really is important and how much of our work will survive that infamous "test of fire" (1Corinthians 3:11-13) when we stand before Him. Regardless, I am driven by this hunger to know God even more deeply, and to devote myself to an "Eternal Perspective" mindset. Here is what I've been "killing myelf" at the last few months or so:

--I am now a Full Time House Manager of a Transition House here in Charlottetown. Trying to promote change in men's lives who haven't had the best go-of-it.

--I am working Part Time at nursing home for young adults with developmental disabilities (such as autism, schizophrenia, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, etc).

--I am currently taking Bible corrospondance courses through Peter Youngren's (
www.peteryoungren.org) WIBI Bible School (www.wibi.com).

--Mondays; I volunteer at a Soup Kitchen.

--Teusdays; a girl from my church and I lead Young Adult Meetings. But I'm thinking about stopping them and starting up "Soaking" meetings.

--Wednesday; I try to make the weekly Men's Group at the church.

--Thursday; I usually have Worship practice. I play the drums.

--Fridays and Saturday are usually my days off unless I'm called in to work at the Nursing Home.

--Sunday; I have a morning service at my church (
www.faithworkscenter.org), afternoon service at Harvest House, then an evening service back at FaithWorks.

--And then their is my full time prayer schedule. Or, more specifically, my "learning to abide" time. It is more strenuous then all the others. To make a conscious effort to keep God in my every thought, every decision, every breath I take, every moment of every day. I'm believing for some big things, the least of which are 3rd Heaven visitations, communion with angels, experiences "with" God in His actual presence, open Heavens, signs and wonders, etc, etc, etc.

It's funny though. Through all these "works", I've never felt closer to God and His will for me. This time here on PEI is some serious traning ground. Crazy stuff. But when you think about it, He's a pretty crazy God. The fact that He's willing to use us to accomplish His will upon the earth is proof enough of that.

So, yeah, I like prayer. If any of you ever sense Holy Spirit leading you to pray for me, PLEASE DO!!! Bless you all. 2006 is gonna be something else!!!