Tuesday, January 31, 2006

teusday afternoon

I'm sitting here in the Transition House I manage, listening to Jason Upton, getting ready to have a little prayer time before I start my "Divine Healing" corrospondance course. I just wrote my exam on "Foundational Christian Doctrine." I think I aced it! Doce!

All in all, I've been worse. The Lord is transitioning "me" more than the guys that are here at Harvest House. He is teaching me to not despise where He has me. It is difficult though. I am grieved when I read scriptures I feel like I am not living. It makes me literally nauseous. It makes me sick. I have to "Gaurd my joy" constantly. God has told me not to worry about what others are doing, but to worry about what I'm doing. Keeping my relationship right between Him and I is crucial before I start to involve myself in others' affairs.

Anyway, like usual, I am not communicating my thoughts as accurately as I'd like to be. Is that rapture thing happening this year? 2006, where will we be at Christmas 2006. I prophesied to a few dear friends that I would be in either St. Catherines, Ont; Buenos Aires, Argentina; or Maputo, Mozambique. Who really knows but God? But that's the thing, right there. God knows.

Heidi Baker said over the summer, "If you have to sleep on a grass mat under the stars for the rest of your life.......it should be your joy. Cause you've got Jesus." Theirin lies wisdom. That is an amazingly powerful statement. There is more power and Godliness contained in that quote than in any other I've ever heard.

And I sit, and stare, and think.............................and pray