Wednesday, January 24, 2007

evangelism wednesday

Today was 'evangelism wednesday' at CBC. So Josh Heymans and I took Priscilla out to the Pen Center to see what we could get ourselves into. We looked for sick people but couldn't find any cause the Pen Center ain't very busy on a wednesday afternoon. So Pricilla and I started playing chess on this floor chess board. We were hopin to draw a crowd, wherewich we could do some soap-box preaching, but a crowd just didnt get interested. So Josh just cruise's over to this handful of students and starts witnessing to them. This sparked a great time of cruising around the mall and doing some prophetic evangelism. We were asking for God to give us names of people walking by, and then we would approach them and ask them if their names were the ones which we believed God gave us. It's a great way to learn to hear God better. Our batting average wasn't very high, but at least we went down swinging rather than stand at the plate and watch pitches go by. I did go up to one girl at the food mart and speak a bit of God's love for her into her day, so that was sweet. We also got to push Priscilla WAY out of her comfort zone. I like doing that to people.

So I am thinking of changing evangelism times from wedensday afternoon, to saturday afternoons. The opportunities to speak to people are infintely greater, as the numbers are so much more. T'was good times today. It's a great thing to get into the habit of actually doing what the bible says to do...........................oops, did I just say that.