Wednesday, January 03, 2007

2007: first post

2007 has started and I'm into my 4th semester out of 4. Yeehaw!!!! My 26 hr bus trip to St Catharines was alright. Long, but decent. I spent the night of the 30th in St Catharines and in the morning I got on a bus and cruised'er to Rochester for New Year's Eve with Jaci Frattare. Good times. I helped her clean her house and stuff, and then about 30 or so people arrived for the party. I met some cool people and had some good times. I was in Rochester for justover 24hrs. Crazy; a short trip, yet a crucial one nonetheless. It was good to get with Jaci and just be around another HoGi again. Pretty sweet. It seems to have sparked a fierce hunger for more of God, again. The last couple days have sported some intense talks and experiences with God. I'm believing right now that my dream life will shift from what it was to what God intends it to be. That would be a MAJOR turning point in my life. It would really change things up, and turn things up a notch, or two, or fifty.
So I'm back at WIBI for 4 more months and I am right now doing courses in Ministry Gifts, and Practical Ministry. I believe we resume the prison ministry tomorrow, so that brings excitement with it. I am really hoping for some awesome times at the detention center this semester. Other than that, things are good and God is good, even when we don't think He is. Sometimes He's a little hard to pen down.