Sunday, January 21, 2007

unbelief becomes hardness

Today, Josh Heymans came over to 35 Elma St, picked me up and we cruised to the Pen Centre to see what we could get ourselves into. Actually we were going to Dairy Queen for some Cheesquake Blizzards, which we did, and they were awesome!!! But really, we were on a scouting mission from Holy Spirit to see if we could pray for anyone. We seen a few people who were obviously disabled, etc. It's a strange thing, you know; it's not a problem to be able to get the blind, etc, to let you pray for them; the problem is the people whom they are with. They are the ones who think we have 'ulterior motives'. They are hindrances to the advancement of divine healing.

Anyways, before we left, we passed this gentleman who was walking with a cane and an obvious limp. I approached him and asked if I could ask him a question. He was reluctant, but agreed. I said that I noticed his leg was not well and proceeded to ask if he would let me pray for God's healing power to take care of his leg. Before I could get the 'God's power' deal out of my mouth, he denied me the opportunity. He walked away saying that he "had nothing against God" but obviously didn't want anything to do with my prayers.

Such is the state of much of Christianity. We can acknowledge the fact that the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-11) are for today, well, most of us anyway. But even in those, we deny the application of those gifts in our own lives. We have much unbelief. We welcome Holy Spirit into our churches, then kick Him out when He starts pushing us out of our comfort zones. I am realizing that our own pride and unbelief are not quite as restricting as other's unwillingness to let us pray for them. The battle does indeed continue..........