Monday, March 31, 2008

Spirit of Excellence

Jenny and I just got back from visiting Colleen Kosti at Spirit of Excellence in Ford City, Windsor. This is a ministry that is reaching out to 1st World people in almost 3rd World situations. In the area 'Spirit of Excellence' works there are many drug addicted locals whose families and lives have fallen apart. It was amazing to be able to meet with Colleen and hear the things she is doing and the vision that her and her husband have. They are really focused on providing better lives for the ones whom they serve. Continued education and teaching life skills that lead to employment and an overall better life are implemented. This is a pioneering ministry whose work behind the scenes of most Christian circles encounter difficulty in relating to most churches because of the rawness of their ministry. I encourage everyone to check out the website -->HERE<-- and maybe even support the work they do. I would love to get involved with Spirit of Excellence on a short term basis if time and opportunity ever permits itself. It is a ministry I believe Jesus Himself would involve Himself with.