Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tecumseh / Windsor

We are indeed in Windsor (Tecumseh actually). Jenny's Dad came down to St Kits on thursday and picked us up. We got here and, right away, ate at Moxie's, which was awesome. I have eaten at some great places while on this visit. Thursday night Jenny and I took it easy and watched Gremlins (we have been trying for a week to locate Gremlins 2 but so far cannot). Then on friday we went to Lakeshore St Andrews church to a program called Celebrate Recovery in which Jenny's Dad leads a small group. Saturday consisted of cruisin around and visiting people Jenny knows, and eating! Today we were back at Lakeshore St Andrew's for church and then Jenny and I cruised down to the waterfront so I could get a picture of myself and the sweet Detroit skyline! We will likely go back to St Catharines on teusday. This has been a really good time though and I really hope to do it again soon.

One of the reasons we came down was to take part in a licensing ceremony at WCF. We found out that the part we were to play was extremely minimal so we decidied to do the Celebrate Recovery thing instead. Our licenses and certificates are in the mail though. So, things in Tecumseh are well. We are surely blessed.