Saturday, March 22, 2008

this summer: Double H Ranch

As I said a couple of posts ago, I have been accepted to work at Double H Ranch in upstate NY this summer. The position runs from the first week in June till the last week of August. The camp is for children who are terminally and chronically ill. The capacity in which I will be employed is: cabin counsellor; which means I will be supervising a cabin of about 6 kids and being a 'big brother' type of person. The job description is much more detailed than that, and I will be providing whatever kind of care the kids need. Jenny has also been accepted (praise God) and will be employed in the Happy Barn (which should be filled with small animals). It has the potential to be an amazing summer.

We are both looking forward to unconditional service to our Savior this summer. These kids will do way more to inspire us than we to them, but we will have a go at it nonetheless. In all seriousness, what is our alternative? Stay in St Catharines and work full time while looking for ministry opportunities on our time off? Not likley. Life is way too short, and our responsibility too great for future regrets we know we'd have.