Monday, February 19, 2007

A former Vision of 2005

When I was in Pemba, Mozambique in 2005 I was having a time of morning prayer and bible study when I remembered a vision the Lord had given me a couple of weeks prior. This was not a deja-vu type experience, but more like a revelation of something I needed to remember. It was powerful nonetheless.

I stood with Jesus in the African dirt and He talked with me, revealing things He had (wanted) for me and expressing His continual, unconditional love for who I was. A time later He bent down and drew a line in the dirt and stood back up and looked at me with an expression of seriousness that I shall never forget. He said, "I won't make you cross this line." I said back, "I want to though." He said, "This is completely your choice. I won't make you do this. If you choose to cross this line there will be no going back." So I stepped across the line. Jesus bent down again and this time He took His hand and erased the line. He stood back up and stared at me and said, "There is really no going back now. Even if you turn from Me and run, you can't cross back over this line. It is gone now. There is no returning."

That was perhaps the most sobering and serious experience I have had. I had forgotten about it until yesterday, and I am so glad that God brought it to my remembrance.

Oh, and here's a word that has some dire ramifications; I've been dwelling on this one for a few weeks now:
complacency: a feeling of contented self-satisfaction, especially when unaware of impending trouble