Friday, February 02, 2007

fundraising propaganda starts

Yes, you heard it right; the fundraising propaganda has started. I was talkin to my good friend Paul Adams last week or so and he related to me his vision to get to Sudan to preach the Gospel and do all sorts of crazy missions work in refugee camps, slums, etc etc etc. Lets just say that Paul and I had planned to meet up again some day to do Kingdom work, and it appears that Sudan could be that plan fulfilled. Iris Ministries is breaking new ground in Sudan and needs some pioneers to go in and take Jesus to the lost, broken, dying, poor, of that country.

Needless to say, a lot has to be accomplished for me to reach my goal of being in Africa by august at the absolute latest!!! Plane tickets, visas, vaccinations, savings, monthly support, and on and on and on need to be provided before that goal happens. So, I got on PayPal and ended up with a 'Donate' button on my webpage. Pretty sweet. Anyone willing to contribute to this 'Africa fund' is now able to! All proceeds will go towards expenses needed to make this trip happen.

Supporting a missionary is perhaps the wisest and most worthwhile investment one can make. Meeting the poor's financial needs is impossible, but meeting their spiritual needs is not only possible, it's inevitable..................if people are willing to send those whom are willing to go. Know what I mean. So click on the 'Make a donation' button to support the Gospel in Mozambique/Sudan. I will let you all know how the funds and plans progress. Africa calls, and I'm gonna answer.