Wednesday, May 16, 2007

'Higher' vs 'Lower'

I was gettin ready to take a snooze earlier (yes I know, I'm getting old) when I believe God started talking to me about the whole 'higher' vs 'lower' dilemma that has plagued my mind for quite awhile now. Most of mainstream 'Christianity' has been obsessed with the 'higher' mentality. This consists of unnacountable prosperity, new anointings, personal visions, heavenly dreams, a new level, unrestricted health, etc etc etc. Now don't get me wrong, this is all good, if your heart attitude is pure.

The 'lower' mentality consists of giving up your very life, freeing yourself from materialism, being stretched to the very point of exasperation, praising God through the midst of times of trouble, being inconvenienced for the sake of ministry opportunity, etc etc etc.

Which do you prefer?

There once was an angel who constantly tried to attain to the 'higher'. It ended with him being cast down to the lowest position as it gets. His name was Lucifer. And there once was a Holy Servant who gave up His 'higher' position to go 'lower', and even died for those who were much less that Himself. His name was Jesus, and now He inhabits the highest position attainable.

Now which do you prefer?

I'm not saying it's easy. See, the main difference between the 'higher' and 'lower' mindsets is this: God has to set you on 'higher'. There is nothing you can do to reach that new level save by God soverignly placing you there. On the other hand, going 'lower' means sacrifice. It means giving. It involves practical application. It brings with it an opportunity to show how God has changed us. Nothing you can do can take you 'higher', but everything you do can take you 'lower'. It's a choice. One that involves cost.

Going 'lower' doesn't make a scapegoat out of the grace. It is grace.