Thursday, June 15, 2006

it's Thursday

Thursday is here and all it's done lately on PEI is rain, rain, rain. Kind of getting hard on the head. So is waiting out this summer. I feel like now, all I am doing here is waiting out this summer. Since all of my resources have to go strictly to my correspondance and my upcoming year, I don't have a lot of extra to pour into doing any productive ministry here. One thing I am learning is that it takes money to do anything at all. Wow, that's quite a revelation, ain't it! So I gave Noel my 2 months notice of leave at Harvest House, which means that my endeavour of being it's full time House Manager is almost at it's end. Seasons change, and this one is almost up as well. Everything in my life has seemed to slow to a crawl lately. It's almost surreal, like I'm in an eye of a storm or something; at least I hope I'm in the 'eye', and that things will explode again into busyness and such. The Fall will come and the season will change, and I will leave, and only God knows what comes next. This summer is a time of preparation, for this Fall, which is another season of preparation.........and on.......and on.....and on........till I step into what I was created to do..........soon enough.