Tuesday, December 12, 2006

the Cockroach Chronicles

35 Elma St has cockroaches, it's a fact. I was gonna call this post "We spray, we sleep................they die!!!", but I couldn't get connected to the net last night. That was a quote from Julie Karanfilis, after we returned home from a late night Home Depot run to get cockroach poison. There are quite a few we've seen already; some we've killed, some who've tried to kill us!! Cockroaches are disgusting, no doubt about it! So we doused the areas we thought they were hiding out in with cockroach spray and now we wait and evaluate how it worked. Hopefully we won't have to get the 'terminators' in for a more thorough job. That would kinda suck. It was an eventful .........event, anyway. The cockroaches here are in NO COMPARISON to some I've seen in my accomodations in Mozambique though.

And today is Colin Jackson's birthday; Happy Birthday man. To celebrate, we unloaded boxes of food at the SOS Ministry at NCC, then went out for an overpriced buffet style meal. Who said the Kingdom life was boring? And by the way, all these cases of Meatballs & Gravy that were donated; supposedly they are so bad for you! They don't even put the nutrional content anywhere on the cans! Sketchy? I guess.