Sunday, April 01, 2007

an evening in Hamilton

Last night 3 carloads of NCC'ers piled into some cars and cruised down to Hamilton to Eagle Worldwide Ministries for a Joshua Mills meeting. Pastor George & Marilyn took a Wendy, Josh, and Melody; Colin took Humphrey & Sara, and Johanna; and Peter & Julie took Andrea, and myself. It was a powerful event. Not only was it good to get out of St Catharines and the same ole same ole atmosphere I experience here everyday, but the meeting itself was a reawakening (of sorts) of powerful expectation. Joshua Mills had a word that ranks among the best I've heard (personally). He's not really a 'good' preacher, but he stirs up a hunger for the supernatural better than anyone I've heard (maybe, Patricia King is good at that too, and Todd Bentley, and Rolland Baker, and David Hogan; ok lets just say that Mills is good at it too).

Something that really struck me that was said at the meeting last night was that God doesn't want you to give Him anything that you DON'T have, but He does want everything you DO have. There is a powerful truth in those words. It sobers you up and makes you realize some of the heart of God. He doesn't want or expect things you don't have, but He does want and expect what you do have. Wow, chew on that for a few moments.

Anyways, it was a great time and anyone who I had invited but excused themselves from coming, missed out..............BIG TIME. Here is a video from the worship time before Joshua Mills took over: