Tuesday, October 02, 2007

notes from Mark 3

1 - 6 Jesus completely breaks a rule. He goes against what is written in the Law. He's teaching them that it's not about rules. God is "love", He's not "Law" (rules). The people who knew and and tried to keep the Law were offended at Jesus because He knew the rules weren't what God intended; they weren't His best. Relationship trumps rules. Even if we make what the Apostle Paul says, binding, then we are missing the whole point of what God wants for us. It brings God no more glory when we keep all the rules as when we don't. It brings God glory when we simply love Him and seek to please Him from that love.

7-8 How many of us can say that multitudes from every area around us flock to us because of what they have heard about us? Are we not the fragrance of Christ in this earth of trash and filth? We need to just stop and to let God love us. Then, we are changed, and we freely give as we have been given to. Everything He has given us, we are then prepared and eager to give away, joyously.

9-10 Jesus needed an escape route!! People were so desperate for Him that He planned get away routes. Crazy.