Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Where is the God of Elisha?

I posed that question to God today. I wondered to Him, "Just where is the God of Elisha? The God who made axe heads float (2Ki 6:4-7), who made oil multiply (2Ki 4:3-7), who raised the dead (2Ki 4:32-35), who cured lepers (2Ki 5:8-14), who purified poisoned food (2Ki 4:38-41), who manipulated animals (2Ki 2:23-24), who parted waters (2Ki 2:14), who surrounded the righteous with armies of heaven (2Ki 6:17-18), who gives unerringly prophetic insight, who has power over death itself (2Ki 13:20-21)."

We cry out for the God of 'personal-miracles' everyday, to show Himself strong in our lives. We plead with Him for the miracles witnessed by the Old Testament saints. We desire the miracles more than we desire compassion for the lost. How can it be? Theirin lies the answer.............and the problem.

I felt God give me a reply; an unsettling one. I believe He said, "You ask me where is the God of Elisha? But I ask you, 'Where are the Elisha's?'"

And where are we? The first time Elisha is mentioned in the Bible is in 1Kings 19:16 where God tells Elijah to go anoint him as prophet. Just 3 verses later Elijah finds him (1Ki 19:19). Elisha was just living his life, but in just one short verse he gave up everything he had to fulfill the call of God on his life (1Ki 19:19-21). Where are we who would do that today? Elisha was unwaveringly obedient to God even when it hurt. His dedication and consecration were second to none. He spoke to kings and rulers out of the integrity of his relationship with God. How many of us can God trust to do that today? Our motives?

Elisha paid a high price to see the things God did through him. He didn't have to do anything (it appears) to get the calling, but to keep it.........thats a different story, one that Elijah could tell better than I (1Ki 19). Great sacrifice to God always produces fruit. In the same equation; sacrifice + fruit = joy. Sacrifice isn't really hard, when we want to please Him who is worthy. Then, it ceases to be "sacrifice" and ends up being "willingness". I don't want materialism to rob me of the true riches of the Kingdom. Neither did Elisha (1Ki 19:20-21).

The God of Elisha is still around; but where have the Elisha's gone..........................?