Wednesday, March 29, 2006

battling "self"

Will there ever be a time when we will be completely at peace with ourselves, with our walk with God, with our motives, etc? I hope so, but I've not convinced myself of this yet.

A great woman of God and I were discussing this subject last december, and the question arose. "Is God enough? Is He enough to fill that void, that empty space that lies deep within ourselves?" (Like
Paul, allow me to speak foolishly for a bit.) Don't get me wrong. Life is good, I have come a little ways since that evening in early october/01, but I'm not exactly where I want to be, on the inside. I know God should be enough. I've no doubts that He's not enough, but, I don't feel my spirit completely filled yet. If we are born again, new creations, etc, why do these feelings persist? Why did so much junk fall off me in Oct/01, but not all these feelings?

That woman of God then asked, "I wonder if the giants, like
Bill Johnson, or Rolland Baker, or Benny Hinn are filled to where they've no recurring feelings of inner longing?" We weren't talking of spiritual hunger, or desperation, etc; but of something more pressing, something more "un"Godly.

We couldn't give each other a clear cut answer, but we both agreed that we love God, and that God loves us, and that alone should be enough.