Saturday, September 30, 2006

back from an evening at TACF

Last night was awesome!! If I had my laptop, I would post some pictures. But I don't :(. Anyways, we landed at TACF about 6:30pm, and Ruth Fazal got the worship started about 7pm. After lots of formalities(?), and more awesome worship, Heidi took the stage and laid on her face for another 50 minutes(!) before speaking from John 15:1-11. I love how Heidi completely takes God's agenda (and His alone) when she speaks. It was 10 to 10 before she even preached a word! It was a truly awesome message. We didn't get back to St Catharines till 2am.

I'm kinda choked today, cause the NCC bus failed to come over to the residence to pick us up to head to Toronto for the Truth Conference at TICC. Oh well, I've got things to do anyway, but it wouldve been a good teachings. I guess I could always buy the cd's?

So I started working at an apartment complex about 5 minutes away from Celebration Bible College. I'm not sure for how long, but I'll have work for at least this week, maybe longer, it's hard to say. Money is good though. Hopefully I'll make enough to stay in school hahaha!!!

Everyone looking for some good books to read should have a go at: Eternity In Their Hearts; Kingdom Principles Of Financial Increase (the best book on the doctrine of biblical prosperity that I've come across); and Total Forgiveness. Those are some of the required reading for the courses of World Religions, Biblical Economics, and Christian Family, respectively.

So thats my update, for today. Hope you're all doing well.