Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Here..........in my head

I do not have many peers; but it seems their is a concensus among us. We are not happy with the status quo Christian life! We want to see more of God manifesting in and through us. Their is a hunger that will not be sated. Normalicy (I don't even know if that's a word or not?) is an attribute to our lives that we must hate with a Holy passion. Intimacy with God is crucial. His life flowing out of us is all that's important. The world doesn't want Josh, or Dave, or Lindsay, or Brooke, or Carinne, and to be honest, why would they? The world wants something it doesn't even realize it wants.........fellowship with Purpose (God).

At cell group last night we got on the topic of '
evolution vs. creation'. I tipped my hat off to those who believe there is no God and that everything we have today is all by chance. If you think about it, it takes way more faith to believe in that concept than to believe that some All-Powerful Creator just created everything. I mean, c'mon world, how hard are you looking for excuses to not believe in God. If it were any more obvious, He'd be sitting in downtown New York (or wherever) just hanging out! The human body is a primary example of the existence of God. But like I said, I have much respect for people who believe everything is by fluke. That's some major belief goin on. Here's an interesting Scripture on the subject:

Romans 1:19-20 (GWT)
What can be known about God is clear to them because he has
made it clear to them. From the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly observed in what he made. As a result, people have no excuse.

Before I got off on that rant I was talking about hungering after God; which is what we are doing. I pray that God will give us creative ideas and stuff to do this summer. And that at the end of this summer we won't be like, "Damn, we should've did what we thought God was telling us to do." When you are hungry, you eat. There is an action that follows the impulse. FaithWORKS. It's an active thing. Giv'er. "All go, no whoa!!"