Saturday, May 13, 2006

The Upper Room

This evening "Josh & his People" were back at The Upper Room Soup Kitchen for another round. It was more good times, but it was way more busier this time. My cooks were myself and Shannon; my servers, Dalton and Carla; and on coffee and dish duty, Claude. I did PR and other assorted duties that people with responsibilities have to do :(. All in all, we served 81 hot meals of macaronni and cheese, with hamburger and hot dogs mixed in. A side of bread and some cookies to top it all off. It went off well; people enjoyed it. Once again I want to say a great big THANK YOU to "my people" for voluntering their time and effort to this well-needed cause. It's a blessing hard to find words for. The total number of hot meals "Josh & his People" served this week round off at an impressive (I guess?) 129. Way to go guys!

It was sad though. Many came up for seconds. The reason; there is no meal there on sundays unless volunteers do one. Tomorrow, no volunteers are signed up so most of the people are going to go without a meal till monday afternoon. So people were eating as much as possible tonight to get them through till monday.

I said to one of "my people"; "I would like to do this more, cause it seems the rest of the Body isn't really interested in doing it, and the need is quite evident." The reason I don't do it more is cause it costs quite a bit (more than I can afford) to do these meals, and I just can't afford it with what I have on my plate right now. "The Body", I said, "is disabled." When someone is disabled, that disability affects the rest of their body even though parts of the body may be well. A disability in one part of the body affects it as a whole. So it is with the church. There are people willing to do practical Kingdom work out in the community, but they don't have enough resources to meet the needs they encounter. The rest of the Body (who make up the needed resources) are too indifferent about serving the lesser fortunate, so that everyone suffers. The willing, the needy, and the indifferent all suffer consequences by not obeying and following Jesus' example. It weighs on me, it really does. And the people go hungry for another day...........................