Tuesday, May 30, 2006

"Josh & 'His People'"

So "Josh & 'His People'" were back at the Upper Room Soup Kitchen this evening, serving macaronni and cheese with hamburger and hot dogs mixed in. A simple meal that is hugely popular. All in all we served up 45 meals; good times. I consider it such a joy to be able to serve others at my own expense. What a blessing that entails. Once again I want to thank my 'people'; tonight my cooks were Lindsay and Carinne, and my servers were Dave and Brooke. What awesome saints of God I am privileged to know.

I only had to kick one guy out. He was terribly intoxicated and threw up all over a table. I escorted him out, but about 15 minutes later he stumbled his way back in and threw up all over the floor again. I escorted him back out, and made it clear that he was not to be seen back at the soup kitchen that evening. He complied. I gave him a little grace considering I've 'been there, done that' a few times in my day.

And there you have it; practical Kingdom work, it's not so hard everyone................