Thursday, May 25, 2006

Matthew 10:38, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23

We here in the west don't encounter persecution. We may feel like we do at times, but, we don't. Above, is a map of where in the world Christians are still imprisoned, beaten, rejected, etc for their faith in Christ. It is good to take time to think of these dear saints (foreign and national) who have forsaken their very lives to "pick up their cross and follow Him" who laid down His life for the very world that killed Him. In Pemba, the Holy Given class underwent the least of persecution; maybe 15 of us were either robbed or held up at knifepoint. The media tore us apart at any given opportunity. At the time, it was difficult to accept it all as 'joy'.

Here in North America, there is no cost to follow Christ. We have altar calls with the admonition to "give Jesus a chance" or "you've tried everything else, why not try Jesus?" Sounds like we aren't really sure on the certainty of accepting Jesus. I know people who have been abandoned by their families for turning to Christ, people who have been told that if they ever return to their village, they would be beaten to death, etc. They counted the cost, and deemed Christ worthy, and left everything they had ever known to trust Him with their very lives. The Apostle Paul wrote what it was like for him to follow Christ in his first letter to the church in Corinth, chapter 4 verses 9-14. Seems a little far removed from what I experience here on PEI in regards to the ministry.

Awareness; it's a good thing. Click on the map above to enlarge it, then pray for these people who are daily giving up their lives to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth.