Tuesday, May 23, 2006

tuesday thoughts

Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, and life; they are all flying by at an incredible rate of speed. A friend recently asked me, "Is there any scriptural proof that says that in the end times, time will speed up?" Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there is. I believe it's just that, as I grow older, time starts to mean something different to me. I'm confronted with the fact that I'm here for a purpose. Am I realizing that purpose? What am I really looking forward too?

As a born-again believer, I should have my sights fixed solely on heaven. A Kingdom mindset, if you will. In every circumstance I should ask myself, "What will be the fruit of my actions 500 years down the road?" Where am I building up treasure? The Bible is abundantely clear as to where I should be storing my treasure, and it is NOT here on PEI, or wherever. There is a better way. Most of my friends and family do not know what to think of this new life of mine. The words 'phase', or 'cult' probably enter their minds often. It bothers me little. I've but just tasted the truth. If they think I've changed thus far, they are in for a major treat down the road. I don't know what that involves, but I see it clearly. It's funny how you can be totally miserable, and wanting out of this life for years, but everyone sees it not, because you're still conformed to this world; but when you find Christ, become truly happy, find purpose, accept basic truth, then, people start to think you've been brainwashed. My own definition of brainwashed involves my once filthy, blackened brain being washed and cleaned by an impartial Lover of all mankind. If thats brainwashed, then praise be to God!!

So then, who will be the arms, legs, hands, heart, of Christ to the rest of the lost, broken, hurting world? If not His Body, then who?