Monday, August 21, 2006

a day in Nashville (& Franklin)

Grace had to go do some car stuff (thats her Honda to your right) so Omar came and picked me up and we toured around Nashville for the day. Good times. Omar is a good man, fo sho! Anyways, we were going to go to the war museum, but strangely enough, it was unexplainably closed? So we walked the streets for a bit before heading to this sweet coffee place where I ordered 'something strong!'. The girl recommended a 'Bulldog', which was a coffee with 2 shots of espresso. Good times. I must say, it gave even ole Tim's a run for its money.

After that, Omar took me to an Army Surplus store where we checked out some sweet war supplies from years gone by. After fooling around in there for an hour or so, we cruised out to Franklin where Grace lives. Then we went and washed Grace's car, then went grocery shopping at Wal-Mart, then Omar cooked us pasta, with a healthy dose of Amiel's hot sauce thrown in! Good stuff.

I wasn't really planning on doing a blog tonight, but I thought I better cause I don't know when I'll get internet connection on this journey. Tis been good though. It's been a while since I had a regular ole 'vacation' where I can not worry about anything but nothing. Anyways, hope to rave to you all again soon. Blessings.