Friday, August 04, 2006


The last couple of days have been so slow that it's CRAZY!!! Seriously. If the next couple of weeks is gonna be like the last couple days, I'm not gonna make it! But, I went to the Acadian bus station here in Charlottetown today, and they sell Greyhound Discovery Passes right there, so there's no need of me trying to secure passage to Moncton to start my trip. I can leave right from here. Thats a bonus. I was also thinking about how long it's gonna take me to get to New Mexico, and I am thinking about taking off maybe 4-5 days before I originally planned. If I make a couple of stops on the way down, then I won't have barely a couple days in the 'alien capital of the world!!!' That's no good. So maybe a departure date of, lets see, the 17th or 18th? A little more money for the ticket, but hey, it's just money I'd be spending here, right? Plus, I get to leave almost a week earlier, SWEET!!

In other news, I finished my course on the Pastoral Epistles and have moved onto
Apologetics. An extremly interesting subject, all would agree. After Apologetics, I just have Blood Covenant, and I am finished with my first year courses. I will still have to make up 4 credits when I get to WIBI, but hey, thats o.k., I can handle that when I'm there.

So yeah, I'm just here at
the church waiting for the rest of my Worship Team members to get here so we can start running through the song list for the weekend and next week when Alistair Petrie lands to do 4 services here on the Island. So, gotta go............