Sunday, August 06, 2006

Talladega Nights/Dr. Heather

Last night I met Ryan & Tonya (who are expectin a baby real soon!!), and Kristina (who just had to get out of the car and take that picture of the dog; I guess you had to be there?) and we went to the Drive-In and seen Talladega Nights. It didn't impress any of us really. I actually, wouldn't even recommend people to waste their money on it. Not that it was horrible, but it was far less than really, worth seeing. The second movie was Little Man, but we were all kinda tired and figured that it would be worse than the first, so we cruised'er out a there. Today, though, I heard that Little Man was actually better than Talladega Nights. The source might not be "totally" reliable though? Regardless, we didnt stick around for it. I value sleep more than mediocre movies.

In other news, it's a beautiful day. Church was an event as always. I was talking to Heather (from New Zealand) this morning for a couple of hours, and if any of you want something to pray about, pray that a good Bible believing, Spirit filled friend would show up on the Tokoroa
scene for her to fellowship with. Without like-minded people to hang out with, life seems more difficult to wade through.

Heather and I spearheaded the non-attended Young Adult Meetings at FaithWorks Center for a while. She turned out to be a great forum for me to unleash my doctrine against sunday-morning Christianity, and the Spirit of Indifference I believe hamstrings most of the First World Church. Uh-oh, here I go again! Seriously though, Heather is a great example who is more willing to get her hands dirty with Gospel work than 90% of the people I know. And with that I end...............