Tuesday, August 01, 2006

just stuff, nothing too special

So, my car lease was finished on July 19, but I was able to hang onto it for another month till I cruise. Bad thing is I had to get it inspected, and I needed tire rod ends(?), whatever they are? I know they are about $320 though :(. Ouch! That was my bus ticket money!! So it set me back slightly but oh well, cest la vie, so they say. And there is exactly 3 weeks to go before I leave, to the day.

In other news, I am doing a correspondance course on the Pastoral Epistles (1 & 2 Timothy, and Titus). I just finished a verse by verse dissection of 1Timothy, which was awesome, to say the least. Weird thing though was that the last lesson was mysteriously cut off, which is not cool at all, cause some of my very favorite scriptures are contained in 1Timothy 6. But nonetheless, today I started 2Timothy. Good stuff.

And you may have noticed my new Poll of the Week (to the right on my sidebar). It has to do with who you think would win a fight between Mike Tyson and Angelina Jolie. You may be thinking that its a weird question to ask? It's even weirder to have a dream where the two of them are in a boxing ring slugging it out, and Angelina actually lands a couple lefts and a right which stagger Tyson before he knocks her out!! Oh yes, the last 3 nights, my dream life has reawakened. I doubt I'll let you know though what they are about. So take the poll and let your opinions dictate the outcome.....................